Sunday, June 22, 2008

Design Update

Instead of floating platform like my original design, this one has one core walls, where you can attach each houses (modular) to it. The house comes with hydraulic to allow the vertical movement for the house; in case there is a flood each of the houses can adjust their height.

The main entrance to each of this housing unit is accessible from main core wall, located bellow the grades. Entry path location is a moment where human elements embrace the connection between earth and water in human’s life. The idea comes from when the waves hit the shore, and when the waves recedes, it leaves a striation marks on the land. When the water connected the ground it creates a new creation, creation where human can appreciate and celebrate.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Felix: I really like your perspective and the change of clustering to the central core unit concept. Mosha Safdie-ish it is well render in pencil. I really like where you are going by adding the hand sketch because it brings the human touch to a very complex technical issue of disaster mitigation.