Sunday, June 29, 2008

CD Progress

The experience of going into this place would be, a person would have to use the ramp to pass the store/restaurant entrance, before ascending to the residential area. This very idea of circulation was taken from RU-KO(store-house) placement, where the lower level serves as public area (store, small shop) and the higher level is for living (Private area) . Historically and traditionally, people would gather and socialize in lower level of the structures, while the higher become more secluded and private area.
Open underground lower level is make sense for comfort level by lowering the temperature for the pedestrians, and this system will also allowed the high water to re-channel and pass through.

Small Floods.

During High Floods condition.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Design Update

Instead of floating platform like my original design, this one has one core walls, where you can attach each houses (modular) to it. The house comes with hydraulic to allow the vertical movement for the house; in case there is a flood each of the houses can adjust their height.

The main entrance to each of this housing unit is accessible from main core wall, located bellow the grades. Entry path location is a moment where human elements embrace the connection between earth and water in human’s life. The idea comes from when the waves hit the shore, and when the waves recedes, it leaves a striation marks on the land. When the water connected the ground it creates a new creation, creation where human can appreciate and celebrate.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Feedback from SD review

-What is neighborhood means for the new floating house community?
-Why the buildings looks like what they are now?
-Show what would happened/ the aftermath/afterthought if we are not responding to the natures.